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Try this Mini Sampler of "MP, CP, HP and Body Scrub soap".

Each mini soaps are about 7~12g depends on it's moisture contents.


P.S. Please don't eat them as they look like a box of candy or chocolate.

Mini Sampler

SKU: SM-01
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    • HP Soap is great for deep cleansing and calming troubled skin. It is recommended to Use HP for deep cleansing first and finish with CP (Moisturizing soap).
    • Enjoy the luxurious aroma and pretty shapes of MP soaps.
    • Due to the characteristics of all natural ingredients, result will start to show few months after. Slowly but Surely!!!
    • HP 비누는 아토피, 민감성, 트러블 피부의 탁월한 진정과 세정 효과로 알려져 있습니다. 세안후 상쾌한 특유의 뽀독함을 느껴보세요!
    • 건성 피부는 HP 비누 딥 클린징후, 모이스쳐라이징 CP 보습비누로 마무리하면 더더욱 효과적입니다.
    • 개인차는 있지만, 2~6개월 정도 꾸준히 사용하시면, 천연 성분들의 순하고 자연스런 치유 효과가 나타납니다. 
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